
Monday, March 17, 2008

Eyeball Searing Green

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, a very green post:

For Claire's fourth birthday, we finally painted and decorated her room. Her favorite color is green (That's my girl!) and we've been promising her ever since we moved into the house that we could paint her room green. My mom did the bedding, my sister got her the lights, and I did the small white pillow. Oh yah, and all the painting. Now, when you look at her window from outside at night, it glows an eerie green and makes you think of alien abductions. It's just an accent wall, but it's more than enough. Maybe someday we'll have more furniture in there than just her bed. But until then, bright as it is, I LOVE IT!


  1. That's pretty awesome, G. I bet Claire won't ever forget her green room with white flowers.

  2. Okay, where in the WORLD did your sister find those flower lights? Those are very cool! I love the green, I hope Scott is obsessed with green too, that way you can have a whole green household! (It's my eveil wish upon you!)
