Thursday, December 17, 2009

M is Just Going to Have to Learn Japanese

What parent hasn't found cryptic ways of communicating secrets with other adults in front of their kids?

First, M and I could just use big enough words that they went over Claire's head.  Considering Claire's vocabulary, I think it's a testament to our sesquipedalian tendencies that we lasted as long as we did just doing that, if I do say so myself.

Then we started spelling key words out.  Yah, that didn't last long.  Lately one of Claire's favorite games and/or stall tactics is to converse by spelling her sentences out.  She and I will go back and forth five or six times just spelling out what we want to say to each other.  Whatever keeps 'em occupied, right?  It's better than listening to her chew out Scott.

So now M and I have to speak Spanish to each other.

Any bets on how long until she's bilingual?


Kristi said...

Okay...seriously? My guess is 6months to a year. That Claire...well, she's amazing!

azufelt said...

First off, my favorite is that this post was labelled and filed under "geektastic" -classic. Second off, your options will probably soon catch up to you... I can't wait to see you guys turn to more alterntaive options like braille or something... morse code mayber?

Alison K. said...

eddie's newest thing is spelling things out too. especially as a stall tactic.

Anonymous said...

that would rock my world. thats all i can say. trying to have a private conversation with someone in front of children who can understand what you are saying sounds difficult.

ashes said...

Learn Navajo - the Germans couldn't break that language during WWII, so maybe you've got a shot with that one.

Melanie said...

She's such a smarty! Following in her parents footsteps obiviously! I wish M luck in learning Japanese! Although I'm sure he has a great teacher!

Leann said...

Sesque.. what?