We went to an uber fancy dinner in downtown on Friday. We had something like a gift certificate from M's work for his 5 year anniversary with the company. We had to take advantage of our live-in babysitters before they leave this coming week.
It. Was. So. Delicious.
I've spent the whole weekend drooling over the memory of that food. Now every time I go to select food at my own house, I am overwhelmed by the not-as-fabulousness of it all. I figure, what's the point of making dinner anymore? It will never be that dinner. I might as well just go microwave a hot pocket.
Have you ever heard the jim gaffigan skit about hot pockets? Definitely will make you think twice about them =) I highly recommend it
What a darling picture Gretchen! I am so glad you guys had so much fun. I miss you!
this is how i feel every time i am supposed to cook dinner. i suppose that is why i don't cook very often :) looks like a fun night!
But. . .what did you EAT?! You know I want to know all the details.
(Love the picture too!)
Wow, definitely looks like an amazing place to eat. Makes me wish I had a good excuse to spend a bunch of $ on a fancy dinner. :)
I agree. Pass the hot pockets please!
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